Perkins Thompson

Maine Center for Elder Law Blog

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Officials: Seniors will be OK under private Medicare plan

WASHINGTON — Virtually none of the 11 million seniors who choose private health insurance plans under Medicare will lose access to those plans next year, federal officials announced Tuesday, despite fears that strict payment rates under the new health care law would cause some insurers to drop out.

In addition, average monthly premiums in the popular Medicare Advantage program will drop by 45 cents, or slightly more than 1%, following negotiations between the government and private insurers. This year, premiums rose by about 15%.

Full story:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Brave Old World, A multimedia look at aging

A journalism initiative combines a new approach to journalism to examine aging in America.  The report looks at issues such as what it is like to grow old and how do people grapple with the physical and emotional changes.

See the project:

Monday, August 16, 2010

NYT: Moose Offer Trail of Clues on Arthritis

The moose of Isle Royale have something to say — well, their bones do. Many of the moose, it turns out, have arthritis. And scientists believe their condition’s origin can help explain human osteoarthritis — by far the most common type of arthritis, affecting one of every seven adults 25 and older and becoming increasingly prevalent.

The arthritic Bullwinkles got that way because of poor nutrition early in life, an extraordinary 50-year research project has discovered. That could mean, scientists say, that some people’s arthritis can be linked in part to nutritional deficits, in the womb and possibly throughout childhood.

The moose conclusion bolsters a small but growing body of research connecting early development to chronic conditions like osteoarthritis, which currently affects 27 million Americans, up from 21 million in 1990.

Full story:

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Statement by Assistant Secretary Greenlee on the 45th Anniversary of the Signing of the Older Americans Act

The following statement was issued on July 14, 2010 via the Department of Heath and Human Services Administration on Aging eNews Letter:

Statement by Assistant Secretary Greenlee on the 45th Anniversary of the Signing of the Older Americans Act

On July 14, 1965 President Johnson signed the Older Americans Act into law.  Sixteen days later, on July 30, he signed legislation creating Medicare and Medicaid.  These three programs, along with Social Security enacted in 1935, have served as the foundation for economic, health and social support for millions of seniors, individuals with disabilities and their families.  Because of these programs, millions of older Americans have lived more secure, healthier and meaningful lives.  The Older Americans Act has quietly but effectively provided nutrition and community support to millions. It has also protected the rights of seniors, and in many cases, has been the key to independence. 

In 1965, there were about 26 million Americans age 60 and over.  Today, there are 57 million older Americans 60 and over, with many more on the immediate horizon.  Our senior population is not only growing larger, but becoming more diverse.  Adults over 80 are our fastest growing group, and many will need long term care.  Reliance on family members, who currently provide 80 percent of the long term care assistance for our nation's seniors, will increase.

The historic enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by President Obama on March 23, 2010 provides us with another tremendous opportunity to harness the successes and progress of the last four decades to further improve the health and lives of older Americans and support their caregivers.  The ACA represents the biggest change in our national health care delivery system since 1965.   And just as they were in 1965, the programs of the Older Americans Act - and our national aging network of state, tribal and community-based organizations, service providers, volunteers and family caregivers - will be called upon to complement, support and enhance these changes.  How successfully we weave these multiple responsibilities together will say much for how we will care for seniors in the future.    

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The Maine Center for Elder Law is a practice of Perkins Thompson, P.A. The Center assists clients with Medicaid (MaineCare) Planning, Special Needs Planning, Estate Planning, and Probate, Estate & Trust Administration matters in York County, Cumberland County and nearby Maine counties.

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